04 January 2011

What's Your Choice For Worst Police Misconduct?

The nice folks at Injustice Everywhere grabbed a bunch of police misconduct videos and put them up for a vote. The poll is closed now, but this is just a few of the hundreds (possibly thousands this year?) of videos for this year alone that show just how much the police detest the public.

There is a saying about Libertarians.  A Libertarian is either a Democrat with a conservative financial sense or a Republican that was beaten by a police officer.

Cute, but this is a serious matter. Injustice Everywhere is showing only 27 videos. I know there are much more out there. This can't be just another isolated incident. This is a common occurrence. It's frightening that the people we pay to protect and defend us are intimidating and beating us. In some of the videos there are cops trying to cover up other cops. In many videos this year, we see cops beating or arresting people for videotaping, not interfering, just video taping. The unlisted crime of Contempt of Cop is being used against law abiding citizens that demand accountability.

When I look at this problem from a free-market standpoint, I think state-paid police could be done away with. I think privatized security could be a better way. You'd have increased customer service and lower crime. It would be in a company's interest to keep their customers (citizens) happy by catching the bad guys and leaving citizens who ask questions, or videotape them, alone.

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