20 February 2010



              Welcome to my blog. This is my second attempt at writing something for other people to read. The first attempt turned into a painful diary that I felt was too limited. I hope that this time I can stretch out and include other things that catch my interest as I read other people's blogs or if something controversial comes to mind. I suppose I should lay out some ground rules for myself.
  1. I will not talk about happenings at my office nor talk ill about my company. This should seem obvious to most, but some will say that my company is limiting my freedom of speech. The first amendment safeguards me from sanctions from my government, not my employer. I will not bite the hand that feeds me.

  1. I will not refer to anyone by their real name. I will provide anonymity and will respect my visitors' privacy.

  1. I will not use literal curse words and will obfuscate these them. ex. $h!t.

  1. I will moderate comments in keeping with the rules. This is an automatic deletion, but credit will be given to the poster by with a byline such as, “ So-and-so commented, but was deleted in accordance with the moderator's rules.” (Make a hyperlink to this post.)

  1. I reserve the right to amend these rules as time progresses.

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