09 June 2010

Black Founders - A Research Topic

This is something I suppose I didn't really give much thought to, black founders. When I say founders, I mean founding fathers of America. Most of my generation went to school learning about certain historical figures, such as Paul Revere or Thomas Jefferson. I remember reading that there was a black patriot that was killed at Lexington, where the opening shots started the Revolutionary War. Besides that one mention, there was never any other mention of African-Americans during that war and never again until about the time of the Civil War and Fredrick Douglas.  Apparently there is much more to the story...

***DISCLAIMER*** This is shown on Glenn Beck's show, but without his usual hype. Give it a try.

 Give it watch here

This is something I'm going to have to do more research on. This means that a lot of blacks/minorities were empowered in the past and it reduces the credibility of those that play the "victim card."  Time to hit the books.

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