15 November 2010

TRON 2 Release Date!!! I Take A Dump!

Do you hear that squishy, pip-popping, slopping sound?

That's my brain being put back into my dome. I had to pick it up off the wall because it jumped out and tried to run to the movie theater without me.

Tron 2! That's right baby! ZOMG!  It's like I'm reliving 1982 again!

Take a look at the new and old and Korean.

If you were born after 1982, I'll forgive you for not understanding and will kindly ask you to "get off my lawn."

Yeah sure, it's laughable now. It may have had a crappy plot and action scenes but it was state of the art back then. It was futuristic the way Avatar may have seemed to you. It was a movie that would remain with a whole generation of geeks.

Now please excuse me while I go change my adult diapers.

Via Gizmodo

UPDATE:  WTH!  Over at IMDB, they have release dates for Japan and other countries but not Korea. Is Korea unwilling to import this film??!!!  I can see it happening, but please don't do it. Come to the land of Starcraft....please.

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