21 April 2010

Money from Legalized Pot -- Visualized!

Any thoughts?

Taken from the here, the awesome people at mint.

The "War on Drugs" is a failure. Let's end it.

Being Libertarian and supporting the 10th Amendment (States' Rights), it means I also support a State's decision to legalize or criminalize anything that doesn't abridge the rights of the people as enumerated in the Constitution. The cool thing here is if say New York doesn't like legalized marijuana, that's fine, the good people there don't have to, so at least they don't infringe upon Californian's perceived rights and privileges. Any federal laws passed in this manner affects everyone in the nation and may infringe on say, Floridians' rights and privileges. This is awesome because if I don't like what's going on in New York, I can move to California, what a great way to express you views -- by moving.

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