What set off this argument was this article on CNN. A three time incumbent senator lost the Republican nomination. The two remaining candidates will have a run-off. The probable reason why he lost? He voted for the bailout and "he has also come under criticism for working with Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Oregon, last year on a health care overhaul proposal, his pursuit of earmarks, and his votes supporting an increase in the national debt."
The chickens are coming home to roost, boys and girls! I point to this result and the election of Massachusetts Sen. Brown as evidence of things to come. The people don't want health care, they don't want bailouts or TARP or any of it and neither Dems or the current batch of Republicans are doing anything to help. It's time to get them out and put in the representatives that do our bidding.
Sadly, Prosciutto, thinks the TP is nothing more than a blip. I don't. It's going to affect politics for the next 4 years, at least. I told him to mark my words that when this election cycle is finished, you'll see several TP supported candidates in office. This posting will be my permit to nyah-nyah
LOL! Too awesome. I hope that TP -will- shape things in the near future, but I'm afraid that either it won't be enough or it will take quite awhile for the ship to steer in a different direction.