27 March 2010

Car Washes and Oil Changes

 In keeping with Korean tradition, I had my car washed by Russians and went to a "sexy" car wash.
I went to the car wash today. After several days of rain, yellow dust and crappy weather I decided my ride needed a little bit o' the suds. She's a good car and I'm proud of her. She's a present to myself after spending some time in the desert doing security jobs there. I usually take her to this place where everyone queues up and goes through several stages where the final product is a sparkling vehicle. The carpets are washed, the windows are windexed, the outside is waxed and the tires are coated, all for the darling price of 25,000 Won. Now, I know what you're thinking reader, you're thinking, that I'm a lazy turd. I could do all of these things, and it would take me a couple of hours to get everything done, but for the price, I usually don't have to wait longer than 30 min. I think that's a fair trade of time for money, no?

After getting her cleaned up, it was time for a check-up. I brought her to the shop to get an oil change and checked out. The last time I had done this was last year. I know! I'm a regular maintenance kind of guy. I rarely go too late from my maintenance schedule, but considering that I only put about 3000km on the car for the entire year, I think, I'm ok. My normal mode of transportation is a scooter, but that's for another post. This was my first time going to this particular place, because the last place I went to had their contract canceled by my dealer.

Well, this new place is my car make's dealer (sorry I can't tell you the make of my car) in Daegu. That explains a lot! My wife had made the appointment and when I arrived, they greeted me, explained a few details and brought me upstairs to wait. The dealership is brand new, so everything is set out perfectly. It felt like an airport lounge with the coffee machines and polished bathrooms. There were leather couches to sit and watch the maintenance bays, and there were computers set-up for internet. It was all well done. When they were finished, they escorted me back down, gave me a few freebees and sent me on my way with a recommendation to come back at so-and-so kilometers. Excellent! This was the best oil-change experience I've had, and  I felt so good, I went home the long way.

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