20 March 2010

Cell Phone Interacts with Horror Movie

Just when you think that cell phone etiquette in movie theaters has been established, along comes a movie that encourages cell phone usage! In Germany, they have apparently worked out a way for the audience to interact with the movie via cell phone. A member of the audience is randomly called and they have to give directions to the protagonist.  This is like one of those Choose Your Adventure books I used to read growing up. I ended up at a dead end and having to flip back to make another choice. Fun to read, but always one main storyline.

From Jawbone via Gizmodo

Oh boy... I can imagine all sorts of bad things happening here. When/If this comes to Korea, what happens if they call a weiguk's phone. Will they say, "Sorry...uh...no English." Will the audience in Korea be as raucous as in the states? I imagine 13 year olds saying all kinds of stuff besides what the movie wants to hear. The comments section at Gizmodo is full of comedic-scenario gold!  Here's a few choice selections:

This is how it would go if they called me:

Me: "Hello?"

Her: "Please help me! Do I go right or left!?"

Me: "You still haven't told me your name."

Her: "Why do you want to know my name?"

Me: "Because I want to know who I'm looking at."

Her: "What did you say?"

Me: "I said I want to know who I'm talking to."

Her: "That's not what you said."

Me: "What do you think I said?"

Her: "What do you want?"

Me: "...to see what your insides look like..."

At this point a hole rips in the space/time continuum as a consequence of using a scary movie's phone conversation quotes to hold a phone conversation with a woman calling you from a scary movie.
 And another for blog length purposes:


Movie: HELP ME!
Me: Show me you're boobies first.
Movie: You have to help me, there's someone trying to kill me!
Me: You have to show me you're boobies first.

Hehehehehe. My wife used to work as a phone operator she used to tell me about all the pervs that would call. I would so love to be in a theater when "Burburry man" gets the call!

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